
Comment history with onelessreasonxx


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 comments

oh, you and me both, lovely.

i submitted, i think three other ones that didn't make it. so, i know the feeling. i'm just starting, so i guess that having them accept four is better than none at all. xD

Posted by onelessreasonxx on Sep 2, 07 4:20 pm

i tried submitting three other ones and they didn't take them so i'm slightly mad :[

i just wish that all of my layouts were createblog worthy. lol.

Posted by TruthfullyUnwritten on Sep 2, 07 4:17 pm

ahaha. of course. =]
it's lovely. ^^

Posted by onelessreasonxx on Sep 2, 07 3:52 pm

thank you for the comment. :D

Posted by TruthfullyUnwritten on Sep 2, 07 3:30 pm
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